Monday, March 28, 2011

Nascar Retreat

Every February Charlie heads to Florida for the Daytona 500 Nascar Race. For the last several years, I have turned our house into a 3-day sewing retreat spending several hours sewing with my small group. It is amazing how much you can accomplish when there are no interruptions.

Only a few of us were actually able to make it this year but we still had such a great time catching up. I worked on several projects since that is how I seem to work best. Festival of Trees is a BOM that I have been collecting. Here is a picture of my blocks and a picture from the book showing what it will look like when it is done.

This is a kit that Kelleigh chose with Anna Maria Horner's Innocent Crush fabric line. She loved it and knew immediately that was going in her room. She picked out a buttercup color for her walls to match. The pattern was so fun to piece but I would have never picked it up based on the picture on the cover.

I also worked on my blocks from Little Miss Shabby BOM. She suggests you make all the blocks first and then all you have to do is the embroidery.

I also worked on a lap quilt for a friend but it still needs quilted.

Ellyn worked on a hand quilting project and also a pillow cover. The hand quilted item took up most of her time and really makes us appreciate sewing machines.

Carol is so fast at sewing and quilting and always accomplishes a lot. Pepper loved the quilt she finished.

I really like Edyta Sitar and after showing Carol her lasted book, she worked on a scrappy star.

You can never leave your machine unattended. There is always a snake, spider or some other creature that ends up on it. One year we mysteriously had our machines TP'd.

Ellen worked on a very beautiful table runner. The pictures just do not do it justice. She also did some quilting for donation quilts. Carol and her are really good about charity sewing.

Looking forward to many more weekends with this group.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Valentine Swap

On February 28th our Dallas Modern Quilt Guild small group participated in a doll quilt Valentine Swap. This is our second swap as a group and we have a 3rd one planned for April. Our next one is to incorporate a recycled fabric or item into the doll quilt.

We all stuck to hearts for our theme but they turned out so different. I did some beading and embroidery on my swap along with some fun fur to add character. It wasn't exactly how I wanted it to turn out but I did learn a few things in the process.

I love the color combination that Kristie chose. I drew her number and so this is the one I received.

Susan made this quilt using a weaving technique. It turned out so cute and I think she should make a tutorial on this technique.

Some people are overachievers! Pam did a design on both sides of her swap.

Angie participates in lots of swaps and does such a great job on them. She always goes the extra mile.

If you ever want help with color, Sarah is your ticket. She always has fun color combinations.

Janet did a lot of beading on hers. The pictures probably do not do it justice but it looked like a lot of work.

I am always amazed at how much these ladies get done. They all have families and very demanding jobs and seem to always find time for their passion.